spiritual endurance test is a collaborative work with artists mary sabo & quindo miller which documents objects and scenes while traveling to tonopah in 2018. through exploration of the rural landscapes of beatty, goldfield & tonopah, the two artist make an effort to understand and draw inspiration from an intangible eeriness felt between these towns. gathering inspiration from these less travelled places and using familiar materials, sabo & miller assemble talismans, shrines & devotional memorabilia paying homage to sacred ritual practice and explore themes of isolation, pilgrimage and death. matching process with experimentation, they mold sculptures from concrete, they reference william s. burrough’s “ play-back technique ” with recorded sounds from the clown motel and draw images from reference photos of the trip. the pieces that result from this are presented in spiritual endurance test . using various techniques and skills unique to each of their practices, the artist lend a new approach to installation.

images by mikayla whitmore